Success Stories
Just some satisfied customers talking about how Salesframe has helped their business.
“Salesframe has revolutionized the way we engage and bring value to our customers. Our users have found tremendous benefits and use the tool daily in customer interactions.”
Jutta Joffell
Head of Omnichannel Customer Interaction

“I really like the fact that our sellers can easily send and track presentations that have been sent to customers and bring a touch of memorability with the video greetings.”
Antti Karjalainen
Sales Director

Royal Unibrew
Brewery and soft drinks manufacturer, FMCG
“We live in a fast-paced sales environment and our sales teams have been extremely happy to have access to up-to-date sales materials that they can quickly present in their meetings with supermarkets and restaurants.”
Allan Ask Korup
Project Manager
Multi-category FMCG
“The system itself has received lots of good feedback from sellers and other stakeholders. In my sales team, the employee age range is between thirty and sixty and even the older pros have gladly taken Salesframe into use once they've noticed all its benefits to their daily work.”
Juha Nousiainen
Field Sales Manager

Multi-category FMCG
“If I ever move on from this job, I hope my new employer is also utilizing Salesframe.”
Esa Saonegin
Field Sales Manager

United Bankers
Private banking
“We took Salesframe into use to unify our customer message. We’ve recently purchased several companies and that means we have a lot of sellers that need to be brought up to speed quickly and unified materials are a key component for achieving this.”
Joonas Kairajärvi
Private Banker & Team Leader, Private Sales

Brewery and soft drinks manufacturer, FMCG
“When a sales rep goes on a visit they need to have materials and what would be easier than to have a service like Salesframe in which everything is nicely on their iPad or PC and why not on their phone as well so that the sales rep can build a presentation during or before the meeting which they can then go through with the customer.”
Juha Antinoja
Customer Marketing Planner
Energy services
“Back in the day if I sent a PDF file as an attachment, I had no idea whether anyone opened it. Now when I open Salesframe, I can see how many times each presentation has been opened and which materials they found most interesting. That's extremely important, because no other tool before has given us that possibility.”
Jarkko Rönnholm
Sales Manager