Pre-meeting videos make sure your customers engage instead of falling asleep

Pre-meeting videos make sure your customers engage instead of falling asleep.

You know that feeling of pure silence from a customer that can only be caused by the fact that you just vomited every single selling point you could think of onto the table?

Every seller does.

I have disengaged from a million initial sales pitches because I couldn't handle the information overload. There was too much for me to process.

Maybe I start scrolling Twitter or reading Slack, but endless lists of reasons to buy cause me to lose focus. Sometimes it lasts for a few seconds; other times, it can last for the rest of the meeting.

So how do I avoid causing this sensation myself when I'm on the selling side?

Well first of all, I'm sure I still cause absolute boredom sometimes.

But secondly, I try to stave off customers disengaging by sending a personalized 45-90 second pre-meeting video before every initial call I have with a client.

It's always unique, it's always for that specific customer, and I do it to make sure that the person I'm meeting today comes into the meeting prepared to discuss Sales Enablement.

This video was partially inspired by meeting Hai Ta last week and seeing their cool new platform for evaluating where you go wrong during sales calls.

Lauri - 1.11.2022


Webinar on December 8th 2022 - How to perform better with a great video greeting


Afraid to record a video to a customer? Here’s how to deal with it