Why Salesframe is better than Microsoft Teams for sales organizations?

Lately, there have been an increasing amount of organizations that utilize Microsoft Teams for sales content distribution and management. This Fall 2022 alone, we have had multiple discussions with customers who naturally have wanted to know what's the added value in Salesframe compared to relying on their existing way of working with MS Teams.

Please note, that we also acknowledge the high importance of MS Teams, Slack, and their alternatives for communication and collaboration in organizations, and find those very useful. In this article, we focus on sellers' needs in sales content usage and different customer meeting situations.

Are you wondering does MS Teams serve your organization’s and sellers' needs well enough? Let's have a review on some core differences benefits in Salesframe and sales enablement platforms, in general.

What MS Teams does not provide?

  1. Selling guidance and support are missing. Organizations' documents, files, and other resources can be nicely stored in the MS Teams structure. However, does it guide the sellers on what to do in customer interactions and help them to succeed in selling? Not really. Searching and finding the right contents might be as complicated as in Sharepoint, and every team member needs to manage & use different files separately.

  2. Version control can be lost. In MS Teams, every seller can access and edit the available files leading to scattered look & feel and non-consistent customer experience as the individuals might be controlling the content instead of the organization.

  3. There's no visibility on content performance. Has your marketing department or other content creators done a great effort to provide good quality resources for the team? Has anyone ever tried to analyze later how the different contents are used and performing, and how to develop content creation for the future? Most likely not, because content analytics is not available.

How Salesframe adds value for sales teams?

  1. Sellers are guided to do the right things. Instead of being a hub for storing different files, Salesframe is designed for sellers to be used in all customer interactions and help them to sell successfully. It supports the dialogue with the customers and if there is a need to show any type of content, it's immediately available in the same place and enables sellers to react on the fly in their sales opportunities.

  2. The whole team is automatically using the right and up-to-date contents. With Salesframe the organization can sit on the driver's seat and make sure that individual sellers don't become file editors and content creators with varying skill levels. Everyone stays on brand, presents the company correctly, and only the right contents are shown to the customers!

  3. Transparency on content performance and customer interactions. One of the great features is the analytics on what sellers are doing in the different customer meetings and how the different contents are being utilized in the team. So, organizations have the possibilities to identify best practices and contents and develop selling quality and content creation based on real data.

There are still more differences, and this article was only a summary of some key points. If you are interested to know further about Salesframe or what tools serve your team best, our experts are at your service and you can for example book a time slot with us here!


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