How to read someone's LinkedIn profile so that you can build connection

We're often told what makes a good LinkedIn profile, usually to make us either more attractive recruitment candidates or then to help us look as professional as possible if we're the selling party.

But what about reading profiles? How should you read a persons LinkedIn profile when preparing to meet them for the first time?

Over the years, I've had a lot of practice on this, and for me, the key is to focus on finding things that allow me to connect with this new person. Not necessarily to find ways to _sell_ to them, mainly to get some kind of relationship going.

So, in this video I go deep into how I read a prospect's profile before I have my first call with them. To make this exercise as realistic as possible, I asked permission from three contacts of mine to use their profiles as examples so thanks a bunch Tove Zilliacus, Olli Auvinen & Teemu Ilola.

Anyways, hope you enjoy.

Lauri Ruhala, CEO


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